Patient information

Please call the clinic to arrange an appointment.
If you come to the Medical Centre just enter the main reception for registration. The staff will assist you with the paperwork and guide you to the clinic of Dr. Jörg Meyer.
If you have any relevant medical findings (laboratory results, X-ray, ultrasound etc.), please bring it with you to the consultation.
Usually we need to examine your urine. Therefore, please drink enough water and come with a full bladder. Do not urinate before the consultation.
As we have also emergency cases we cannot always avoid waiting times. We thank you for your understanding.
The operation

If you need to undergo an operation, some special preparations are necessary.
First of all Dr. Jörg Meyer will inform you in detail about the procedure. He will arrange the required paperwork (e.g. approval documents in insurance cases), organize additional examinations (e.g. lab tests, ECG or X-ray) and fix your appointment in the Operating Theatre (O.T.). Afterwards our anesthesiologist will check you and inform you about the anesthesia.
On the operation day you come to the Hospital at around 8 a.m. in the morning. You have to be fasting at least for 8 hours (no eating, no drinking, no cigarettes, no chewing gums or the like). If you are taking medicine regularly, the anesthesiologist will inform you before which medication you have to stop and which to continue.
You go directly to the ward. The nurses there will take care of you, bring you to your room and prepare you for the operation (checking your blood pressure, heart rate, weight and completing some checklists about your medical history, also checking your blood sugar, if you are diabetic etc.). You have to change your clothes completely and the anesthesia nurse will give you an intravenous drip to provide you with fluids. Before you go to the O.T. you can get some sedative medication (orally or i.v.) if you want.
You are carried to the O.T. and the planned operation is performed. After the operation you stay in the Recovery Room for a while and after that you are brought back to your room at the ward. Together with Dr. Jörg Meyer the anesthesiologist and the nurses will take care of you to make the postoperative period as comfortable as possible for you.
You always can bring a relative or a friend with you. During your operation they can wait inside of your room or in our waiting areas. In case you need to stay overnight we can arrange an additional sofa in your room.
Our staff will inform you about the visting hours. Please pay attention for your special condition before and after an operation and respect that you and also other patients may require some rest and privacy to feel comfortable and to recover in a good way.
As we also perform emergency operations and in addition the duration of an operation can differ due to various circumstances we cannot always avoid waiting times. We do our best to keep them as short as possible and we thank you for your understanding.